“This book retrieves the figure of one of the most important Spanish photographers of the period between the wars.
Coinciding with preparations for the 1929 International Exposition, Spain began its golden period of news photography, of the New Vision, of advertising photography and of typography. The work of photographer Gabriel Casas i Galobardes (Barcelona, 1892-1973) featured prominently in the public sphere. He contributed to some of the most important graphic news magazines of the time, such as Imatges. Setmanari Gràfic d’Actualitats, work he combined with advertising and industrial photography. He worked as a photographer for different departments of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government) and Barcelona City Council. Between 1930 and 1939, his photographic production earned him widespread recognition. He was one of the first Spanish professional photographers to use the language of the New Vision in his photography. During this period he began to use bird’s-eye and worm’seye views, multiple exposures, off-centre lines of symmetry and fragmentation in news pictures, in this way creating a language that broke with the mainstream production of the time in Spain.”
Juan Naranjo, from the text of the book.