On nous a dit qu’il n’y avait rien et nous sommes allés le chercher


Israel Ariño


Text: Irma Estrada

Design: underbau

Trilingual edition: anglés/ castellà/ francés

24×31. 144 pages. Clothbound hardcover

isbn: 978-84-09-44790-9

Price: 35€


Special edition available here




“ This project has developed in two movements: that of the very action of walking, of covering the nooks and crannies of a given territory, and that of the continuous interrogation that, rather than search for answers, strove to think up new questions that would enable us to strike up a dialogue about possible realities. These walks were also stimulated by a double approach, that of photography and that of anthropology, that simultaneously suggested two different relationships and two different languages, combined to finally present a whole universe created as much out of listening and understanding human affairs as of the game of the gaze and interaction.”

Irma Estrada, from the text of the book

This project was carried out as part of an artist residency set up by the Centre d’Interprétation de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine (CIAP) in Amiens, between April 2021 and June 2022.
Israel Ariño (Barcelona, 1974). Photographer and publisher. His works can be found in numerous private and public collections. He is represented by Galerie VU’ (Paris), Box Galerie (Brussels), Tosei Gallery (Tokyo) and Espace JB (Geneve).